Image/Story Source Credit: @PawsShow Via YouTube Video
I just found a poor soul puppy was abandoned beside wall of rich family. I sit and wonder. how can you put head on the pillow, you, who contributed to the suffering of these innocent souls.
This puppy suffered severe pains, flies and maggot are eating him alive. He's lying there waiting for death in agony! ! We took her to the Vet for treatment. We name her is Maggie!
Good new that Maggie start to drink water and eat a little foods! Maggie is getting better and better. She's survivor and continue fighting for her recovery! She's fighting like a lion!
3rd day, in the morning with Maggie. Maggie is better today, she start to walk, more energy and active. We are in hope and sure of Maggie will transform to beutiful girl and be adopt to happy family. In the afternoon.
Day 6: Maggie likes to eat sausages more then anything else, has eating also today rice with meat. Day 8: Who can believe that ?! Maggie make order with the cats.
Day 9: Last moments with Maggie, before to travel to adopt family Good bye my sweet girl, we see u again wherever you will be. you deserve something much better then me, a family to care you and love you forever!
Watch the video below for the full story!
Special Thanks To: Alex Sirbu💚
Pay - Pal: alexion_30@yahoo.com
Thanks to the channel : @PawsShow ❤️