
Care of Newborn Kittens without a mother

There are several reasons why a mother cat can leave his kittens and most are out of control. One of the most common reasons is that it can not produce milk, called agalactia or has a behavioral problem that prevents it from being careful. There is also a sad occasion that the mother does not survive the birth of the kittens. This means that homeowners can face anything from a newly born kitten up to one of several weeks that a substitute mother needs.

Caring for a kitten:

The first step is to understand what you should do to care for a kitten without a mother since it is more than just feeding them. You should also take care of your toilet and create the right environment for your mental growth. Sometimes, raising a bit of cat can be easier than alone cats, as this will help socialization problems, but it will also need more work.


If possible, kittens should take care of their mother for the first twelve hours of life to ingest something called colostrum. This gives them antibodies they need to protect their small bodies. If there is no possibility that the mother feeds the kittens, there will be a bottle or feeder of tubes. Bottles are the best method since the tubing is a more specialized job. There are commercially available kitten milk formulas, nutritionally balanced to provide everything that a kitten needs and there are also prescriptions to make a home-based version if you can not get the commercial product.

One of these emergency prescriptions would be to take 3oz of condensed milk, 3 oz of water, 4 normal yogurt (not low in fat) and 3 large egg yolks. Do not feed them raw egg whites as this contains harmful bacteria. Whether you use your own products or commercial ones, it is enough just that each food is fed to prevent bacteria from occurring. Heat in a pan at 98-100 F and stir so that there is no inconsistency in the temperature.

During the first 24 to 48 hours, kittens will need approximately 1 ml of milk per household and this increases 0.5 ml per day every day until they take 10 ml. On average, it will take 9 meals a day. In the second week, it should be 5-7 ml per feed and, in the third week, you can introduce a large number of kittens and also feed bottles. In the fourth week, it should only take between 4 and 6 weeks in the bottle a day, between 7 and 6 weeks.

Sanitation and temperature:

Newborn cats do not urinate or defuse without stimulation of their mothers, but it is easy to replicate. Simply dampen a cotton ball with warm water and rub the genital or anal area, simulating the mother preparing the area so that the kitten goes out. This should be done after each meal and take care of the signs of a problem. Normally the stool will be dark brown and partially formed.

The hens need help to stay warm that would normally come from their mothers. An incubator, a warm pad of water, an electric pad or a heated mat will do the work and help them maintain proper body temperature. Keep a thermometer nearby to make sure they are not too hot, as this is just as dangerous. During the first week, the air temperature should be 85-90 degrees and the humidity of 55-65%. This can go down during the next three weeks to 75 degrees.

Conclusion : 

Stay in close contact with your veterinarian during this process and refer them if you think there is a problem. Disease prevention is a big problem at this time and you will also have to work on socializing whether you have a kitten or not.
