This is orphan baby ANNIE. She was surrender and rescued to the shelter.
But she's so afraid of every thing and try to hide in the corner, stay away people!
This poor scared girl got her small very thin string, that is holding her number around her neck wrapped around the pipe.
Trust me, if that dog wanted to get away from that, she could.
I'm not a strong person and I can break those easily. She is not restrained! (We also confirmed that she is fine!)
The volunteer who records these videos for us does so at the end of her day. She has already worked a 10 hour day at her regular job and goes over to make these videos.
She would love nothing more than to sit down and try to make friends and hold every dog!
On day eight, ORPHAN ANNIE was adopted!
We hope that she will have some downtime with her new family! She has experienced a lot!
Day 12: Adjusting, but still a lot of room to go!
After 6 months, she is very loving and kind, but also protective from time to time!
Ralphie, her younger brother, is her favorite playmate. and they have been known to chase each other around the yard.
She's so cute, adorable, and she's such a smart little girl and she's really mighty.
She’s feeling so good, she wags her tail to thankful to those kind people that saved her life.
It’s very good work that could restore the faith in humanity, we’re really appreciated and grateful to everybody that bring her new life.
Special thanks to: Houston & Harris County Animal Volunteers. 💚
Thanks to the channel : Dublin Shelter ❤️