Image/Story Source Credit: 'The Moho' via YouTube Video
On Nov 6th 2020, a complaint was sent to Jetiba's police [Brazil] with this pic of a mother dog and her puppies. when we arrived, we found a large female dog only, [without her babies] was left in a dirty backyard. there was no food, water, the dog was just shivering. .
Her appearance shows that she did give birth recently. We asked the owner he said he already sold her babies. the owner was taking into police station after he admitted he bought the dog & make money by selling her babies.
Quick checking we found Aisha, the poor mother dog was also suffering from craniocerebral trauma. she was filled with a lot of sadness and pain, she couldn't stand up and having hard time eating.
Aisha still in risk of downfall and had to go through daily medicine treatment, which is quite annoying for her. the little dog was also missing her babies and depressed badly, so we have to give her a toy to calm her down. after undergoing a long treatment and few physical therapy, Aisha gradually regain her movement.
However, she was still dependent on feeding & peeing. acupuncture shows Aisha was getting better with her back legs feeling, potentially that she can walk again.
But we know it's long treatment process which requires weekly physical therapy and walking training sections. her feeling also improve significantly when she used to our super well take care and love.
Aisha also gained 5kg after 2 months in our center but she still couldn't walk by her own. Aisha got a wheelchair when her story went viral in the last section, we got great news that we took 3 steps alone after feeling confident with her new tool. Please be sure to watch this heartwarming video below to the very end!
Special Thanks To Rescuer: Instituto Protetores de Santa Maria de Jetibá 💚
CNPJ 43.343.461/0001-70 | Sicoob AG 3008 CC 153.840-3 | Pix | PicPay INSTITUTO PROTETORES DE SANTA MARIA DE JETIBÁ
Thanks to the channel : The Moho ❤️