
Chihuahua Was Abandoned After He Was Hit By A Car

Image/Story Source Credit: @ThePenguins Via YouTube Video

Hello everyone, I'm Prince and today my world collapsed...  First I was hit by a car, both my legs and pelvis were broken. And then my owners brought me to sleep forever. But are fractures a sentence? I really want to live! That is the story of Prince!

He's fractures of both legs in 6 places & a fracture of the pelvis. He was sutured open wounds and anesthetized. He is waiting for two operations.

Today his owners contacted us. They explained everything. Clinic they said the treatment of 70+ thousand. The amount is unrealistic for a family live in the village. We said that everything will be fine, we will save him.

The first operation was successful! The second is scheduled for the next month. But there's a long road of rehabilitation ahead An hour before the operation, the baby is already more fun.

Today we went to the clinic for an examination. Everything heals well! Of course after such injuries, he'll not be a 100% healthy dog. He won't walk but they love him the way he is.

In general, our volunteer decided to keep him forever. This is just super news. He will not survive the second time change of family. He is very attached to them. They then daily dressings and caring for him, like a baby. Prince is undergoing rehabilitation. He slowly began to walk, but there is still a long way to go.

Watch the video below for the full story! 

Special Thanks To Rescuer: dog_maikop 💚
Card SB 4276302000016096
Thanks to the channel : @ThePenguins ❤️

Youtube video
