Jade, she was being sold out of the back of van, small pup & extremely sick. A kind trucker help her
This is Jade. She was being sold out of the back of a van, under age and extremely sick. A kind trucker on the road saw her and knew if he didn’t help, Jade would not survive. He contacted a friend of Deity Animal Rescue in tears and Deity’s village promised to give Jade everything she needed to get healthy.
She is only 5 weeks old, too young to be away from her mom and siblings. She’s so weak she can barely keep her head up. We’ve rushed her to our vet and they are hooking her up to fluids, running tests, starting antibiotics and are trying to get her to eat. Her situation was completely preventable. And now we just hope and pray she has it still in her to fight for her life.
Thanks to the channel : STRAY PAWS ❤️