A pregnant cat is generally quite self-sufficient and knows what she needs to do to give birth to her kittens. But knowing what you can expect from the owner will help you find some problems before they start, and will help veterinarians if something appears that the cat can't solve.

Before birth
In the last two weeks of pregnancy, it is good to keep the cat from other animals and children, especially other cats, if they are transmitted to it by any disease or infection. Keeping your cat calm and idle during this time is also important, as she gets used to her maternal bed to give birth to kittens. He may choose not to use the bed you provided for some reason that you never know, so be careful to choose instead.
One way to increase the chance of choosing the bed you have created for it is to make it irresistible. A cardboard box that is 2 feet x 3 feet high and approximately 1.5 feet high is ideal, preferably top. Must have a hole in the front, but make sure the lip is not low enough to allow the kittens to climb out. The box must be large enough to lie down and add an old towel, shirt or blanket. Then it needs to be found somewhere warm and quiet in order to use it.
Giving birth
This is a balancing act between watching a process that detects potential problems and exciting a cat by being too close. The owners know the personality of their cats and judge it best. Most of the time you need everything you need, but in case you have a vet number on hand.
There are three stages of birth in cats. The first can often go through without being noticed because the cervix and the uterus are preparing for childbirth. There may be contractions that have no visible signs. The cat is likely to move at this stage, singer and make several trips to the litter, often without production. If she does not sit in the maternity bed, do not try to move her, as it is best to have her born where she chooses. There may also be some vaginal discharge.
The second stage is where the kittens begin to appear and may take two to twenty-four hours to complete. Keep a bowl of warm water at hand along with clean ND towels, some dental floss, and disposable gloves, as well as some petroleum jelly. Some kittens appear first, while others come out first legs and both ways are normal. There is usually a 30-45 minute interval between kittens, sometimes more. If you have any signs of strain, bloody discharge, or that kittens are coming very fast and have no time to break the amniotic bag, you may need to intervene to help.
The cat breaks every fetal pouch - a thin membrane around each kitten that contains liquid - but unless it uses a towel or cloth and lets the kitten breathe. If you need to do this, give the kitten friction and clean the mouth to stimulate breathing.
After birth, the mother will bite the umbilical cord. If it does not, use a dental floss length of about 2 inches to do the job. Do not cut too close to the kitten as this may cause a fatal infection and soak it in the iodine or chlorhexidine tincture to stop the infection.
The last phase is the passage of the placenta and should occur after each birth. Normally the mother will eat it. Make sure that the number of placentas passed is the same as the number of kittens, although twins can sometimes be shared.