
Five Less Well Known Facts About Black Cats

Black cats are often associated with good or bad luck and there are many written articles that refer to the superstitions and folklore that surround us. The lesser-known and interesting characteristics of black cats are often overlooked and below are five things you may not know about them.

Gold-eye factor

The eyes of a black cat are typically golden or yellow in color and this is because the excessive production of melanin that makes their fur so black often causes the cat's iris to reflect this melanism and produce the pigment that gives this gold or yellow coloring.

Gene factor

To be a true black cat both parents need to wear the black color gene. Although this seems like a pretty simple equation, what you may not know is that the dominant cat fur gene is actually tabby and it is only the presence of a recessive gene known as a non-agouti that suppresses these tabby markers.

In a cat where this gene is not completely suppressed, you may notice that nearby, or especially in the bright sun, you can make tabby strips in the tailor legs of the animal and maybe even see the 'M' mark in cat's head which is most often characteristic of a tabby cat.

It is said that there are about twenty cat breeds that can produce black offspring, but the only black cat breed is the Bombay cat and they are often called miniature panthers.

Apparently Rust

A high degree of exposure to sunlight can lead to the fur of a black cat to temporarily take on a reddish-brown appearance. This rustic appearance can also be seen when the cat has an absence of an enzyme called tyrosine.

Interesting Immune System Quirk

Initial studies have shown that black cats may be more resistant to certain diseases such as feline HIV and that their genetic makeup may also be beneficial for their immune system.

Worldwide appreciation

There is a growing appreciation of black cats across the globe and this is evidenced by the fact that there are designated days for the celebration of the dark fur feline. What may be less well-known is that some of the best-known celebration days have actually gone on different dates and this has caused some confusion on social media among the black cat's loving brotherhoods.
