Herschel, a beautiful German Shepherd, spent the first five years of his life chained in a lonely backyard. His teeth were worn down from trying to chew himself free. Fortunately, his life changed dramatically when Rocky Kanaka, a dedicated dog rescuer and the creator of the Dogs Day Out web series, took an interest in him.
After featuring him in a viral video, Herschel caught the attention of his forever mom, who lives in Washington. Kanaka wanted to share one more moment of firsts with Herschel, so he took him to the beach on their way to his new home.
At first, Herschel was in awe of the crashing waves. However, as his excitement grew, he began to whine and cry out with elation. The video of Herschel's first visit to the ocean is truly heartwarming.
After moving in with his new family, Herschel, now known as Bear, has settled into his new life comfortably. Bear enjoys snuggling with his human and canine family members and running around on several acres of land.
Bear's story is an inspiring one, and it shows how much love and care can change a dog's life. Rocky Kanaka's Dogs Day Out web series is an excellent platform for sharing heartwarming stories like Bear's. Follow Dogs Day Out on Facebook and YouTube for more stories about rescued dogs experiencing their firsts. Watch the video below!
Article Sources: Youtube | Instagram (Rescuer: iheartdogs)