
Pregnant Mama Dog Has 14 Puppies

Image/Story Source Credit: @TheMoho Via YouTube Video

Mam Nata was left in front of IAPA on Christmas Eve 22. she is around 8 weeks pregnant - nearly giving birth. when we found her, she's very weak, couldn't stand up. She was also terrified - took a while to calm her down. her owner left her due to afraid of her incoming puppies. when she first saw us, she was so defensive. 

Using her little energy to scare we off - protected mama. but after a while - she left her guard off and be friendly. look at her belly - it maybe 13 or 14 babies inside. 

Image/Story Source Credit: @TheMoho Via YouTube Video

As she is very weak - we try to book her test tomorrow. tonight will be a very long night for Natajuli and for usprepare for her ultrasound to make sure everything is OK. 

All good - Natajuli is allowed to go back to our shelter. with the assistance needed for delivery of the babies. and she made it - the first baby is a very smart little boy. 

Can you count how many puppies are there. it's 14 - Natajuli gave birth to 14 beautiful babies. look at her happy face - you did great Natajuli.

Image/Story Source Credit: @TheMoho Via YouTube Video

Anyone loves to name them - and give them a name. let propose the name you love in the comment lads. love from Natajuli and her puppies.

Watch the video below for the full story! 

Special Thanks To Rescuer:  Instituto Amor em Patas (IAPA) 💚
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Thanks to the channel : @TheMoho ❤️

Youtube video