
Dog Who Can't Walk Loves Her New Wheelchair

Image/Story Source Credit: @TheMoho Via YouTube Video

On 16 Sept 2022, UPA got a call about an abandoned puppy inside a mortar can on the side of the highway . people just drove and didn't the dog until a company that  clearing bush on the highway saw it and called UPA . when UPA arrived, what we saw is heartbroken.

Look like the dog has been there for at least 3 days, the previous night it rained and our little girl totally got wet. she is paralyzed, she has no chance of walking to save herself so just hid in that mortal can - shivered & sobbed . but in her eyes she has the immense desire to live. How could someone able to dump her with that look. 

We name her little Charlotte . it's impossible to look at her Charlotte and not feel love. she wants to be hugged badly even still in special room . good news: Charlotte got better & allowed to go home

Charlotte go her new wheelchair . first time outside by herself only, she loves it. next day, she gained more confident & started running.

Now she can meet her friends by herself and she loves it . still in treatment but you did great Charlotte. first time outside by herself only, she loves it . hope you have great life, we all love your Charlotte. 

Watch the video below for the full story! 

Special Thanks To:  UPA - União Protetora dos Animais de Lorena/SP 💚
Thanks to the channel : @TheMoho ❤️

Youtube video