
Dog Abandoned On Road Waited Days For Family To Come Back For Him

Image/Story Source Credit: Paws Show Via YouTube Video

This is Peggy! She was left by the roadside for almost 3 days. Peggy is dumped like garbage and she has little chance to survive in this desolate place. She was dumped by a family she trusted and loved. 

She cried for 3 days, looking at each car, hoping the owner would come back to pick her up. Of course, no one stopped to help take this baby. Suddenly I saw a plea to Peggy, and I stopped.

She now grows up in a happy family. We're so happy to see she gets a beautiful life. We're so thankful to everyone that involved in rescuing her and especially the lady who adopted her and gives her brilliant of love.😍🙏 

Watch the video below for the full story! 

Special Thanks To: Monica Popovici 💚
Thanks to the channel : Paws Show ❤️ 

Youtube video
